How Unconventional Work Paths Can Help a Workplace

Diversity, Recruitment
How Unconventional Work Paths Can Help a Workplace

The world of work is constantly changing, and the way people work is changing too. We’ve probably heard the stories of the people who have a more traditional career path, with a first job straight after college or university. What we hear more of, however, is about the people who have had a kind of unconventional path. They may have pursued multiple careers, then changed fields, or taken time out before getting into work they enjoy.

Conventional career paths are no longer the only way for employees to reach their potential, as switching career paths and interests can also give them an edge.

Why Have a Diverse Workforce?

Through additional perspectives, backgrounds, cultural influences, and insights, a diverse workforce is able to generate higher levels of innovation and creativity in all segments of an organization. After all, the more eyes you have to evaluate a problem, the more likely you will be able to find the best solution. A diverse workforce is as much a necessity as it is a benefit to any organization. When employees come from different backgrounds and experiences, it prepares them to be leaders in their fields and helps drive their organization’s success.

Diversity represents an important part of an organization’s overall mission and vision. It is a business’s way of looking at the world, signaling that the organization values collaborating with people of different backgrounds and skill sets to benefit the whole. Diversity in the workplace is a great asset to have, and the more diverse the workforce, the more productive and well-rounded the organization will be.

However, diversity in a workplace can be a challenge. Not only must all employees work together towards a common goal, but the organization must also be able to accept the differences that make each individual unique.

Why have a diverse workforce? Because it encourages the utilization of a variety of transferables skills and insights.

Top Transferable Skills for Any Industry

Even for those employees with unconventional work paths, their transferable skills developed will help them in any industry, from sales to the IT sector

Have you heard that hiring managers are looking for more than just a college degree these days? Recent studies have shown that college is not the best indicator of future success in the workplace and that some common skills required to thrive in today’s economy may not come from a four-year university education. Here are the 10 skills that will help you succeed in today’s job market—in any field.

  1. Problem-solving skills

The ability to solve complex problems with few resources is the key to any job, career, or even life. One of the most important skills to have is identifying an actual problem and then how to best solve it.

  1. Critical thinking

Our ability to think critically is invaluable across many industries, yet many don’t give it much thought. In order to survive in any industry, you need to be able to think critically, communicate effectively, and be able to present information in a clear, concise format. 

  1. Adaptability

Adaptability is one of the most important skills we can learn in our lives, and it is a skill that can be taught and improved. The ability to adapt to new environments, new people, and new situations is not only very valuable, but also highly transferable between fields.

  1. Teamwork

Teamwork is always an important part of working with others, but too often, we forget that it is one of the most critical skills you can have in your career. Working in a team can increase the efficiency of a business and allow you to get the job done more effectively. Working together and pooling talents enables us to be better both personally and professionally. 

  1. Listening

Listening is something that is very important in all aspects of life. But it is so much more crucial in the workplace, where communication is crucial in every aspect of your job. In a world where people are constantly creating and sharing new ideas, listening to colleagues is a vital skill to get a good idea of what’s going on and to be able to make decisions based on that.

  1. Writing

Writing is among the most important skills you can have in any industry. Not only does writing communicate thoughts and ideas better than any other tool, but it’s also a great way to build relationships, get noticed, and gain trust. 

  1. Creativity

There was a time when we would think of creativity as an innate quality, but as research has shown, it can be learned. While some personalities are more likely to be creative, practice and experience can help anyone develop their creative skills. It’s a skill that is applicable across many different industries, and it’s one that employers are always looking for.

  1. Management

Top transferable skills include the ability to manage people and problems. How effectively you do this will determine your success across many different industries, from sales and marketing to education and the law.

  1. Computer Skills

Computer skills have become ever more important to our daily lives. In fact, computer skills will be the most in-demand skills of the future. As a result, there are numerous computer-related skills that can be transferred to almost any job. For example, many businesses require employees to be able to build websites, use a variety of platforms, and troubleshoot.

  1. Leadership

Leadership is a set of skills that every employee should have, but few people do. You need to be able to project confidence to others, communicate effectively, make good decisions, be accountable, and motivate others to accomplish great things together. This is the kind of skill that employers are looking for, which is why leadership is becoming such an important topic in the workplace.

Many industries today are changing, adapting to the skills and talents of workers in the digital age. This means that employees are no longer bound by the same traditional work experiences. For those with unconventional work paths, there are still ways to succeed in a new industry—all it takes is a little resourcefulness and grit. 

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